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  • Feb 21, 2022
  • Latest News

It is well known that quantum cases do not often end up in Court. However, last summer Gary Ford attended Court for the first time in some years. Due to the way Courts have adapted to COVID-19 pandemic Gary attended Court remotely, except for the day he was cross examined.

Gary has kindly fed back to the team his experience in Court and (though we are all aware of our duties as experts) it was a timely reminder how it can still happen, and how prepared we need to be when it does.

Please see judgement for further details. Martin V Salford Royal NHS Trust EWHC (QB) 12th November 2021.

In the last few months, we’ve had two further JJ&A experts attend Court. Sandra Burns attended Coroners Court as a Nursing Expert Witness in November 2021, with Gregg Wright attending Coroners Court as a Mental Health Nursing Expert at the start of this year. We shall be sharing with you their experiences of Court in due course.