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Discussions between Experts – Half Day Course
- Feb 1, 2024
- Latest News
28 March 2024 – 1:30pm to 5:00pm – Virtual Attendance
13 June 2024 – 1:30pm to 5:00pm – Virtual Attendance
Dear Expert,
Meetings and discussions between experts are requested by the courts in an attempt to save court time, reduce legal costs and bring about a settlement between parties. Our half day Discussions between Experts course is designed to help you understand your obligations in this important aspect of the experts’ role and to conduct effective discussions.
Delegates will gain a comprehensive overview of what these discussions entail, identifying potential pitfalls, and understanding the implications of not adhering to best practice.
Key Learning Points:
• Understand the legal requirements and implications of discussions between experts.
• Prepare for the discussion between experts.
• Outline the agenda of the discussion between experts.
• Gain an overview of the Statement of Agreement and Disagreement, and minutes of the meeting.
• Be able to confidently respond to an instruction from the solicitor to avoid reaching agreement.
• Work with an expert who is not complying with their duties to the court.
If you have any questions regarding our expert witness training, please visit our website or contact a member of the Bond Solon team on 020 7549 2549 or
Kind regards,
Bond Solon
020 7549 2549