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New witness statements Practice Direction approved – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary
  • Feb 19, 2021
  • Latest News

‘The Civil Procedure Rule Committee has approved new Practice Direction PD57AC which seeks to promote and enforce best practice on the preparation of witness statements.’

Practice Direction 57AC (Witness Evidence at Trial)
1. General 1.1 This Practice Direction is made under rule 57A.3. It concerns witness statements for use at trials in the Business and Property Courts and applies to new and existing proceedings, but only to trial witness statements signed on or after 6 April 2021. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Practice Direction affects— (1) affidavit evidence, (2) evidence in a witness statement other than a trial witness statement, or (3) the general powers of the court under rule 32.1, to control, exclude or limit factual witness evidence. (Rule 32.6 provides for evidence in proceedings other than at trial; rule 32.15 provides where evidence may or must be given in the form of an affidavit.)